Classimulse pc (Neutralized) is the neutralized form of classimulse pc. This is in a viscoelastic pourable gel form.
This product makes life easier for the beginner or for clients who just want to make the white phenyle concentrate instantly.
Usage directions:
1. Measure out 1kg of classimulse pc (Neutralized) into a plastic bucket.
2. Add 5 litres of pine oil (22 - 28%) grade to the above bucket and mix for 5 minutes or till a clear transparent straw coloured micro emulsion is formed. That's it your high quality white phenyle concentrate is ready.
3. You can add perfume 75 - 100 ml, use only essential natural oils like (Citidora, citronella, lemon grass, eucalyptus, synthetic perfume which were found suitable were lime, orange, phulwari).
4. You can also use a blend of two or three of the above for a different note.